Tracking your shipment


Have a comment about the need/want of tracking your shipment to PRS to ensure confidence or whatever that feeling is that you need to know your package arrive

(class II product, controls in general, it’s usually money in mail)

  • We have the feature of tracking the shipment via the Fedex PRP tracking number
  • We would also put where to find that tracking number for clarity with a small image of the PRP label and the tracking number highlights for reference
  • That could either be pop window or PDF or visual on page

FEDEX Tracking Feature

0218720 01590582

  • This will then pull up either new tab with Fedex tracking result

If your package is not populating

  • Could not be picked up yet.
  • Could not be in the system yet.
  • If not coming up remove space between first 7 digits and last 8 digits

If you’re still not finding your return in transit or delivered please contact us at 800-215-5878 or email

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